Singing Guide: Walt Disney's Robin Hood

Singing Guide: Walt Disney's Robin Hood

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Robin Hood is considered to be one of the most iconic Disney movies. The music in this movie is also incredible, filled with catchy tunes such as "Whistle-Stop" and "Oo-de-Lally". If you're looking to learn how to sing like Robin Hood, there are a few unique aspects of his voice that you'll want to try to emulate.

Robin Hood's Unique Vocal Technique

One of the defining characteristics of Robin Hood's voice is its gentle quality. His voice is soft, warm and welcoming, with a natural vibrato that gives it a pleasant and calming cadence. For aspiring singers, the key to emulating Robin Hood's vocal style is to focus on developing good breath control and a relaxed singing technique.

Another key aspect of Robin Hood's voice is his use of "color" to convey different emotions. He often sings with a twinge of humor and playfulness, as well as a deep sense of sincerity when the moment calls for it. Singers who want to capture the nuances of Robin Hood's performances should focus on connecting with the lyrics of the song, and using their voice to convey the emotion of the moment.

Songs to Showcase Robin Hood's Voice

The Robin Hood soundtrack is filled with memorable songs that showcase the character's vocal style. If you're looking for inspiration, here are a few tunes to try:


Perhaps the most famous song from the movie, "Oo-de-Lally" is a folksy, upbeat tune that showcases Robin Hood's joyful spirit. The song is the perfect showcase for the character's gentle, yet vibrant singing style.

The Phony King of England

As a rousing call to arms against the corrupt Prince John, "The Phony King of England" is filled with lively energy and enthusiasm. Robin Hood's singing in this song is accompanied by a lively group of animals, making for a joyful and memorable performance.

Singing Resources from Singing Carrots

If you're looking to improve your singing ability, you'll find plenty of helpful resources on the Singing Carrots website. Here are few recommended resources that can help you develop your singing voice like Robin Hood:

  • The voice register article provides a good explanation of how to work with one’s full vocal range.
  • The advice to avoid constriction can be particularly helpful when it comes to developing Robin Hood's gentle and airy singing style.
  • Twang exercise video plays the key role in making the voice sound as sunny and friendly as Robin Hood's voice.
  • Pitch training game allows practice hearing the differences in pitch that make Robin Hood's music so engaging.
  • Lastly, our vocal range test can help you identify which notes are best suited to your voice, and which songs you should focus on practicing.

With these resources, you'll be able to develop your own unique singing style just like Robin Hood.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.